My 2021 YouTube Year in Review
As the year is coming to an end, I want to take a moment and reflect on the past year and the goals I wanted to achieve with my YouTube channel.
I also want to write down my goals for next year, and I have some personal news to share at the end.
The goals I had
#In January my channel had 18k subscribers and I had set the following goals for myself in 2021:
- 50k subscribers
- $3000 MRR at end of year
- Release 2 courses
- 1 video per week (52 videos)
The results
#- 81k subscribers
- $2000 MRR
- 40 videos (+ 6 YouTube shorts)
- No courses
I only achieved my subscriber goal, but I am more than happy with the results. Let‘s look at all the different points in detail.
Subscriber goal
#I’ve read many times that you should only set goals that you can control directly, e.g., rather say “I want to create x videos“ than “I want to have x subscribers“. But let‘s be honest, as a YouTuber we all monitor the subscriber count closely and are happy with each big milestone.
So I included a subscriber goal in my list. In January 2021 my channel had 18k subs and I secretly was hoping for 50k. Now the channel has over 81k and is growing at a nice rate each month. These numbers are still unbelievable for me, and I want to say a big thank you to everybody for the support!
Growth was by far my most important goal and I exceeded it. So even though I could not achieve the other goals, I am very happy with the results overall!
Content creation goal
#I “only” created 46 videos, 6 of them were YouTube shorts (the new format with a maximum of 60 seconds).
1 video per week was simply too much with a full-time job. And especially during summer I took it very slow, with just 1 or 2 videos in August and September.
But overall I am very pleased with myself about my time and resource management. I took a few longer breaks when I noticed I needed them, so I did not risk burning out.
46 is still a pretty descent number, and the YouTube algorithm did not punish me at all when I didn’t upload a new video for over 3 weeks. Instead it just kept growing even more.
So if you are a content creator yourself, remember that it’s ok to take breaks 😊.
Revenue goal
#This year I wanted to treat YouTube more like a business and start earning money with it.
I never had making money with YouTube in mind when I started my channel, and it's still not that important to me. However, after having met several content creators who make a living off of this, and having realized how much money is possible in this space, I got curious and wanted to explore it.
In 2020 I made $2025 USD. In 2021 I made $20.073. And I could have made much more.
But very early in the year I decided to not go for a paid course in 2021. As I mentioned earlier, I’m also working full-time as a Software Engineer with a very comfortable salary. So I don’t rely on additional income at all, and I didn’t want to put the extra stress of creating a course on me.
I also rarely accept paid sponsorships, and I turned down a lot of opportunities. Probably $10k more would have been easily possible through sponsorships, but that’s ok.
Compared to 2020 it’s still a fantastic increase!
Course creation goal
#Although I did not want to create one in 2021, I will again put this on my goal list for next year. YouTube/Google AdSense is still the dominant factor in my income, and I hope to reduce its impact in the future.
I know that one successful course could easily outweigh all other income streams.
But let’s wait and see what 2022 brings…
2022 goals
#- 100k subscribers
- Create 1 paid course
- Create 1 other side project that generates income
With the current growth rate, I will probably easily reach 100k by May. This is still a mind-blowing number to me, so I will be more than happy with this milestone. I hope to focus less on the subscriber count after that. But please know that I am super grateful for each and every single one of my followers!
Then again I want to try and create a paid course in 2022.
Additionally, I hope to create one other side project (SaaS/Software as a Service) next year that generates some side income. I know this will be hard to achieve. But I am a big Indie Hackers fan and I follow a lot of people on Twitter in the “create in public” space. I also love writing code and building projects, so joining the Indiehacker club would be amazing…
The most important thing
#One more point that is hard to put in a metric, but which was the best thing during this year, is all the connections and even new friends I have made through my online presence! I am very grateful for all the new people I’ve met and talked to this year!
#I’m very happy and proud with how my channel grew this year, and I am super excited for the next one!
If you want to get updates on my journey, make sure to also follow me on Twitter! I love connecting with other people on there.
Personal News
#Oh, and I quit my job!!!
No, I am not going full-time with YouTube.
I accepted another exciting role that would not have been possible without my channel. But I still have one more month in my current job, so I will talk more about that in February.
Stay tuned!
— Patrick